Powering more than 30 percent of all websites that use a content management system (CMS), according to W3 Techs, WordPress is the preferred website-building platform for countless webmasters and online business owners. But if you’re thinking about building a WordPress site, you should choose the right hosting service. Different services have nuances in features and performance that can affect your WordPress site. So, follow these five tips to choose the best web host.

#1) Unlimited Domains

Avoid web hosts that limit you to hosting a single domain. Instead, choose one that offers unlimited domains. Even if you currently have a single website, you may want to add a blog, forum or other websites to your portfolio later. If your service only supports a single domain, you’ll have to purchase an additional service. With unlimited domains, on the other hand, you can add as many sites as you’d like.

#2) Web Host Panel

When comparing the services of various web hosts, look to see whether include a web host panel. While you can build and manage WordPress sites without this web-based control interface, a host panel can streamline many common tasks.
The host panel cPanel, for instance, features quick access to server logs, email accounts, MySQL databases and one-click script installations, the latter of which allows you to install WordPress on a new domain with a single click.

#3) VPS or Dedicated for Faster Speeds

Credits: Flickr/ laboratorio linux

If your WordPress site takes too long to load, visitors may abandon it. One study found that internet users are willing to wait just three seconds for sites to load. While you can speed your WordPress site by installing a browser caching plugin, choosing a fast web service can also protect against sluggish speeds. Generally speaking, a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or dedicated web host will deliver faster speeds than a shared service.

Shared web hosts place your site on the same server used by hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of other users. With a VPS, your site is allocated a predetermined amount of virtual resources, so you don’t have to worry about other sites slowing down your site. With a dedicated server, only your site is placed on the server.

#4) Consider Managed WordPress Hosting

If creating a new WordPress site sounds too difficult, consider a managed WordPress web host. This service takes the burden of managing databases and other related processes off your shoulders. The web host will handle all the tasks needed to get your WordPress site up and running, allowing you to focus your attention elsewhere.

#5) Compare Subscription Prices


You can often save money by choosing a yearly service instead of monthly. Most web hosts charge less for an annual subscription as it encourages webmasters to continue using their service. Research the host’s prices beforehand to see if they offer discounts on annual subscriptions.

A web host is one of the few expenses associated with running a WordPress site. Rather than choosing the cheapest service, though, you should follow the tips listed here.

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