Probiotics are an important part of your diet because your digestive tract needs these microorganisms so that you have less indigestion or diarrhea, but today, scientists have learned that probiotics offer additional benefits for the body, including protecting the immune system and the brain’s functions.

At absorb biotics, we want you to know that there are several surprising foods that contain probiotics that are beneficial for your well-being. When we ask around to the people if they know probiotics enables food, very few of them actually know these specific food items. So, here we are, giving out the names of 5 foods that contain probiotics, surprisingly:

1: Pickles


You can feel great about using pickles on sandwiches and in tuna salad because this food contains probiotics. Make sure that you find pickles that are fermented in salty water rather than vinegar to enjoy the benefits from probiotics. The fermentation process used while making pickles from cucumbers encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria that will keep your digestive system in top-notch condition.

2: Miso

miso soup
miso soup

Miso is a food that is made from fermented soybeans in combination with rice or barley malt. This paste is often used to make a popular soup that originated in Japan. You can find miso in specialty supermarkets, and you can order miso soup in some restaurants. Miso contains numerous nutrients, including vitamin B, E and K along with folic acid, but more importantly, it has probiotics.

3: Kimchi

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish that contains fermented vegetables along with several spices. The most common ingredients in kimchi are shredded cabbage combined with radishes. The seasonings used to make kimchi hot and spicy include chili powder, ginger, garlic and onion powder. The primary source of probiotics in kimchi is lactic acid bacteria, and it can control cancer or intestinal infections along with helping with the digestion of the lactose that is in dairy foods.

4: Tempeh

Kemchi spaghetti
Kemchi spaghetti

Tempeh is another food that is made from fermented soybeans, and it is formed into cakes that are used as an ingredient in a variety of recipes. This is a traditional Indonesian food that contains protein, making it a suitable food for vegans or vegetarians. The fermentation process leads to a high level of probiotics. Tempeh is a versatile food that is prepared in several ways to make sandwiches, soups and stir-fries.

5: Sauerkraut


Sauerkraut is a food that is made from finely chopped cabbage that is sometimes combined with caraway seeds. This food contains probiotics that can improve the health of your gastrointestinal tract. There are numerous recipes using sauerkraut, but it is often used as a condiment on sausages or hot dogs. By consuming sauerkraut that contains probiotics, it is also possible to control your weight.

Order Probiotic Dietary Supplements

If you don’t like or can’t consume these unusual foods that contain probiotics, then you can order dietary supplements from Absorb Biotics to improve the condition of your digestive system. Capsules or tablets that offer probiotics are suitable for use on a daily basis, or you can ingest the dietary supplements after having an illness such as influenza that disrupts the flora in your gastrointestinal tract.

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