What happens if you damage a rental car? This is an issue most people do not consider when they rent a car. Accidents can occur at any time, and how you handle the issue can go a long way in ensuring the issue is solved promptly. Handling a rental car accident follows the same procedure as you would with your own car. Here is how to deal with accidents involving car rental.
- Safety First

If you were not alone in the car at the time of the accident, the first thing you need to do is ensure that everyone in the car is okay. Check in the other car if there are any hurt victims. If there are injuries, you need to call 911 immediately. If there is a possibility of an explosion, clear the area as fast as you can. If you can, set up emergency flares and contact the police to help with directing traffic.
- Take Pictures and Exchange Contact Details

Once you are sure the scene and everyone involved is safe, you need to exchange contact information with the owner of the other car. Also, make sure to take down their insurance details. Take pictures of the damage and of the scene of the accident. Explain to the other party that yours is a rental car as some people might try to take advantage of the situation. If it is safe, leave the scene.
- Notify Your Car Rental Company

As soon as you can, contact your car rental company and let them know you were involved in an accident. Often times, you will find emergency contacts on a sticker inside the glove compartment. Ask them about how best they would prefer you handle the matter. Even so, ensure you read the fine print of the insurance agreement and also find out which insurance cover the car is under. Do not wait until you have had an accident to find these details. Ask all questions pertaining to the insurance cover as you rent the car.
- Get in Touch with Your Insurance Company

Notify your personal insurance company about the accident and ask them to handle the filing of the accident report on your behalf. Also, find out whether your insurance policy covers collision or accidents for rental cars. You also need to find out more about your deductibles. This way, you will know how much money you are paying from your pocket and what your insurance provider will cover. It is advisable to talk to your insurance company before you engage a car rentals provider. This way, you’ll know what to ask and you can purchase extra insurance if need be. This way, you will avoid paying extra from your pocket in case you get into an accident.
- Find Out What Claim Is Covered and By Which Insurance Provider

If you had no extra insurance cover at the time of renting the vehicle, your insurance company is responsible for paying the car hire company for the damages only if your policy provides for first-party coverage. This means that whether or not you are at fault for the accident you will be expected to pay your deductibles to the rental company. If the accident was not your fault, your insurance company should follow up on payment from the other victim’s insurance company.
There are also rental expenses you will incur for the days the car will be undergoing repairs. Make sure you understand what part your insurance provider plays so you know how much you are expected to pay from your pocket.