Do you cringe every time you drive past a tangled mass of metal that was a fully functioning vehicle a while ago? Car accidents remind us of our mortality and how we are never too far from becoming another statistic. Incidentally, the leading cause of injuries in the United States is car accidents. Back pain after a car accident is a common complaint by survivors. This is because the impact results in sprains, tears, and sprains of tendons, ligaments of muscles in the back. Here are the most common types of back injuries after an accident.

  1. Spinal Fractures
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Fractures of the spine often occur from accidents where the seatbelt failed to support the passenger adequately. During the accident, your lower body remains still while the head and torso are jostled around. This is what causes spinal fractures. It is also possible to sustain a compression fracture on your spine. This occurs when a fissure or crack occurs along the vertebrae. It is characterized by pain when you walk, sit down, or breath. It is also possible to develop bladder issues, muscle weakness, and numbness.

  1. Whiplash
Credit: Viva Health

This is one of the most common back pains sustained from car accidents. It causes damage to the muscles, tissues, and ligaments in your neck. It usually happens when you’re rear-ended. This is because during this accident the head and neck are propelled forward as the rest of the body remains in the same position. This causes the head and neck to come to a sudden halt causing injury. Whiplash symptoms can take days before they start to show. They include a stiff neck, pain, fatigue, dizziness, and blurred vision. The injury can be mild or severe and may sometimes require physiotherapy to heal.

  1. A Hernia
Credit: Surgicalgastro

The spinal discs are responsible for cushioning the spinal vertebrae. These discs can be subjected to a lot of force when you are involved in an accident. This impact causes the discs to slip out of place resulting in pain and numbness. This is what is referred to as a herniated disc injury, slip disc, or ruptured disc. It is possible to treat a hernia with non-invasive methods. The doctor will focus on physiotherapy and pain management. In some cases, however, you may be required to undergo surgery if the dislocation is severe and impacts other organs.

  1. Spinal Stenosis
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This problem is not primarily caused by car accidents. Rather, symptoms can be induced in a previously asymptomatic person by the impact of the accident. The victim had to have had spinal stenosis prior to the accident. The condition is characterized by the narrowing of the spinal canal due to old age or vertebral height degeneration. The trauma resulting from the accident can awaken the symptoms well ahead of time. A spinal specialist can determine the cause of the symptoms and help you manage it.

  1. Spondylolisthesis
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This is a condition that occurs when the vertebrae are forced out of place by a stress fracture.  This condition causes the compression of the spinal canal or nerves. The common symptoms include pain, numbness, difficulty walking and weakness. The treatment for spondylolisthesis depends on where the displaced vertebrae are located and the extent of the displacement. Physiotherapy and surgery are possible treatment options.

  1. Injury of The Spinal Cord
Credit: Pixabay

It is possible to injure the spinal cord even from a low impact car accident. When the spinal cord is bruised, cut, or severely hurt during an accident, it can lead to permanent paralysis or locomotion issues with some parts of the body.

If you suffer a back injury because of an accident, an accidents attorney from Futerman Partners can help you get your compensation.

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