Cloud computing has become very popular over the last couple of years. Many people often wonder what the advantages of cloud computing are. Today we’ll delve into how you stand to benefit by moving to the cloud.
- Flexible Pricing Structure

Cloud hosting is set up in a way that you only pay for the resources that you use. With traditional hosting, you pay a monthly rate whether you use server resources or not. Should you get a huge boost in traffic to your website as a result of a single post, you won’t have to upgrade your package. You only need to scale up your resources during the surge and cut down after everything goes back to normal.
- Scalability

With cloud hosting, scaling your server resources is much easier. You have access to a dashboard that allows you to manage your resource use in real time. You can either scale up or down depending on the performance of your website. The best part is that you don’t have to wait for approval from your hosting provider.
- Redundancy

Most types of hosting have your site on a single server. This puts you at risk of experiencing downtimes should something happen to the server. You would be forced to wait until the server issues are resolved to get your site back up and running. The redundancy afforded by cloud hosting makes it possible to get back on your feet within seconds of your site going down since the host has a concurrent live version of your site that can be loaded immediately.
- High Availability and Up-time

Traditional hosting depends on the physical server. Should it go down for some reason, so does your site. Cloud hosting is set up in such a way that your website uses the resources of several servers. This means that you can always be shifted to an alternative server if one goes down. It is also impossible for your site to crash as a result of a surge in traffic since you can scale server resources whenever you need to.
- Saves You Cash

This is one of the main advantages of cloud computing. You save money right off the bat since you don’t have to hire a tech support team to manage your server.
- Better Performance and Speed

If you need blazing fast speeds for your website, then you’re better off using managed cloud hosting. Load balancing between multiple servers enables your website to perform optimally and allows you to increase the capacity of your site effortlessly. This may not be possible with a single server.
- Good for the Environment

If you are concern about the environmental impact of your business, then you should definitely consider cloud hosting. Unlike traditional shared hosting, you use fewer overall data centers and only consume the resources you need. This way, you create less of an environmental impact.
- Easy to Manage

When cloud computing started, it was a bit difficult to manage as you needed some technical expertise to get things running smoothly. Today, you get access to a easy to use dashboard that allows you to keep track of your hosting and scale it whenever you need to. You don’t have to know much about how the cloud work or any technical details to manage your hosting.