Anxiety is something that many people deal with on a daily basis. While many adults are fully aware that they struggle with anxiety, it is also something that children. In many situations, it is an issue that kids can deal with for a very long time. In many situations, anxiety starts at a young age and parents can be partly to blame. There are five ways in particular that parents can cause anxiety.

1. Showing They Care Too Much


One way that a good parent can cause anxiety in a child is that they can care too much. When you have children, one of the hardest things that you will have to deal with is seeing your children struggle with either school or social situations.

When you have a child that is struggling, you might have a hard time not showing a negative or sad reaction. While this clearly shows that you do care, it can also show that you are upset about the situation. This can make it hard for a child to deal with and can cause more anxiety.

2. Pushing Too Hard


All parents want to see their children succeeding. When you are looking to help your kids, it is very natural that you will try to push them to study harder and do their best. While you can push your kids to do better, you can also put a lot of pressure on them. This can lead to a significant amount of anxiety, which can then make it even harder to prepare for class work and other responsibilities. This will then only add to the anxiety that a child has.

3. Being Too Good of a Role Model

As a parent, you have the responsibility of being a good role model. This can include showing kids that it is important to be kind, work hard, be healthy, and lead a good life. While there are many responsibilities that come with being a good role model, and it will make you a good guide to your children, it can also cause anxiety. This is especially the case if your child feels like they will not be able to live up to status and expectations.

4. Genetics


Similar to many other things that a parent will pass down to their child, even a good parent can pass down anxiety and depression through genetics. There have been many different CRI genetics studies completed that have shown that anxiety and other mental health challenges are driven by anxiety. If your parents had anxiety, you are far more prone to have it as well.

5. Focusing on Weaknesses

All people have weaknesses and it is natural for you to try to find ways to compensate for these weaknesses. When you are looking for ways to compensate for your kid’s weaknesses, you may end up pointing them out to your kids too much. This can then make a child be too focused on what is holding them back, which can cause them to have more anxiety in the future.

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