The furnaces Oshawa heating technicians, or any other professional HVAC company for that matter, help in installing require clean filters at least once a month. There are several theories behind this task but we’ll restrict ourselves only to the facts. Here are six reasons why replacing your building’s furnace filters is extremely necessary.
Reason 1: Ensuring that a Furnace Lasts Longer

If a furnace’s filter is clogged with debris such as pet hair and household dust, then the components in the climate-control equipment might overheat, leading to severe damage. Furnaces are expensive items that require specialized care so that the equipment will have a longer life span. You can protect your financial investment by having a box of furnace filters ready to change the items frequently.
Reason 2: Reducing Your Allergy Symptoms
When you or someone in your family has allergies, changing a furnace’s filter can prevent symptoms such as chronic sneezing, itchy eyes or a runny nose. Rather than selecting a basic furnace filter, experts recommend using a high particulate air filter that has material that will capture tiny particles of dirt and pollen. If you use a HEPA filter in your home, then you will notice a reduction in your allergy symptoms.
Reason 3: Preventing Foul Odors in a Building
When a furnace filter is dirty, the cold air must circulate through the device to enter the ductwork of a building. If the furnace’s air filter is filled with smelly pet hair and cooking odors, then a building will develop a foul odor. Changing the basic or HEPA air filter in a furnace regularly can help a building to have fresher smelling air.
Reason 4: Keeping Your Home’s Ductwork Cleaner
While you can’t see a building’s ductwork, it is an integral part of the structure’s climate-control system. Some homes or businesses have ductwork that is filthy because the building’s furnace filter isn’t changed enough, so the debris from the air remains in the ventilation system. This debris is a breeding ground for mold spores that can filter through a building, causing additional damage when there is a high humidity level.
Reason 5: Preventing a Fire in the Heating Equipment
If a furnace’s filter is full of dust, then its mechanisms can begin to burn, leading to a fire in a building. While this is a rare occurrence, you can have a fire that burns down a business or a home, and it is possible that someone will experience an injury from this catastrophe. To avoid a dangerous fire in a building’s heating equipment, use a calendar to remind you about changing a furnace filter each month.
Reason 6: Reducing Your Monthly Utility Bills
When a furnace has a dirty filter, it must work harder to circulate the air in a building, and this will lead to having huge heating bills. The cost of a box of air filters is low in comparison to the cost of natural gas or electricity to operate a building’s furnace. Stop neglecting a building’s furnace in the autumn and winter by changing its filter every four weeks.