The best real estate agents are those who sell themselves as much as they sell the homes that are on their docket. Everyone has their own strategies and tactics to get real estate sold. Most of those strategies include using social media in some form or fashion to draw in new customers and to continue to book work. This is their real estate CRM and marketing solution.

1. Connecting To Local Events


One of the best ways to connect to the people you need as customers is to connect to the local community. The lowest hanging fruit are those who come directly from your own community. They are local to you which makes them easier to reach out to, and they are more likely to be aware of who you are and why they might want to do business with you.

Social media constantly puts up pages about events happening in your local area. As a real estate agent, you may want to get yourself connected to those pages to interact with the community.

2. Tweet About Tips For Moving


Some may look to Twitter for tips on moving. When a person is about to move their home from one location to another, they are bound to look just about anywhere for information. It is such a transformation stage in life that many want to find the answers that they need as quickly as possible. Consider tweeting about tips for moving on your account in order to get those eyeballs looking at what you have to say.

3. Post Your Listings

business woman

Posting the listings that you have on your book is a good way to let people know what you have available. That being said, make sure you do not overload people with constant postings about your listings. People want to know, but they only need to see those listings every so often or else they may feel spammed. Don’t let that happen.

4. Sign Up For Pages Made For Real Estate Agents

business profile creation

Although the real estate business is sometimes thought of as being completely cutthroat, that is not necessarily the case. There are a lot of people who operate within the business who are happy to share their tips and advice. Some may even pass clients on to an agent who is better able to meet the client’s needs. Connect with those agents by getting on real estate pages on social media that are designed for real estate agents.

5. Tweet Community-Specific Hashtags

Hashtags are a way that people relate to one another on Twitter. Some search for certain hashtags related to their area. They want to know what is going on in their community. Make sure to use some of those hashtags to allow people to find you.

6. Respond To Private Messages

If a potential client has a question that they want to ask you specifically without asking the entire community at the same time, they can do so by messaging you privately. You can give the potential client all of the answers that they need related to their own specific needs and questions. That is the kind of service that clients value.

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